What is a typical life span of a stylus or cartrid

I have opt to make a purchase on a turntable that has roughly 30 hours of use on the table and cartridge.
A hifi shop has it and offered me $70.00 off regular price.
Any ideas?


By the way, I am just getting back into vinyl. I am a borderline audiophile if you want to call me that lol.
Another words I have been into Hi end equipment for 20 years. Just budget minded till now.
Hello Sky- Is that $70 off the regular price of a $200, or a $20,000 table?(BIG difference) Seriously: 30 hrs is not much time off the lifespan of any turntable/cartridge combo, and there really is no "typical life span" either. A cartridge's stylus will wear much more quickly, if subjected to dirt in the grooves of the records it's asked to track. Many don't realize just how abrasive that is. A cartridge's compliance(the rubber in which the cantilever is suspended) should last many years, before it's elasticity wanes. Then there's the cartridge's magnets, the table's/arm's bearings, belt and motor which should all be good for many years also. See if the dealer has a stylus microscope, and check the alignment/wear of the stylus. If straight and without evident wear, and you like the sound when auditioned with YOUR phono stage/pre-amp: buy the piece, and enjoy your return to vinyl.
Thanks for the response. I haven't owned a turntable since I was 19 years old, many moons ago lol. I am now 44 so a lot has changed since then I know.

The table I am looking at is the Pro-ject Debut 3 with acrylic platter and sumiko pearl cartridge installed. He is asking $595.00 I believe for it new or $70.00 off and take the demo.

Thank you
I'd pay the $70 to buy new.

You have no idea how the cartridge was played/(mis)aligned/dropped etc.

30 hours can be a lifetime if handled improperly.

Agree with Audiofeil, plus you have no way to verify how long the cart has been played.