What is most important part of a system?

I remember reading someone saying that the most important part of a system was the source. I thought "Wrong! Speakers are the most important".
Now, I have changed my mind. Source is the most important part.

Right or wrong but this is how I came to this conclusion;

I have tried the same system with a CD player and a turntable. By far LP sounds better than a CD. Btw, the system had all high-end amps, speakers, cables, etc.

What is most important part of a system for you?

LOL :=)

Yep, agree, everyone is right....
Every link on the chain is as important as other.

OK, I´m bit off from the start, but we need to definite the term "system" first....?

I scent that OP probably thought of a physical/electronical gear?

If so, my first vote goes to: speakers
second vote goes to: preamp
third vote goes to: amp

Interesting that a violin builder puts the most time and attention into the body which gives the tone, not the strings which sing. That could be translated as the source transmitting through the speakers. Then the auditorium (the room) determines whether the sound can rise and decay accurately, without getting screwed up. Kind of reminds of you of the three most important parts of your rig.

actually, the value of the bow often far exceeds the value of the violin, even very good violins.

OK Geoffkait I’ll bite, what’s the reason?

Let us call it mind-matter interaction. You could also call it extra sensory perception. The subconscious mind picks up on but misinterprets it’s surroundings, especially the immediate surroundings, and shuts down (degrades) the perception of sound as a response. Of course you’ve been accustomed to it your whole life so you take it for granted. You cannot control it because it’s subconscious. That’s it in a nutshell. That’s why, after the best laid plans have been implemented - the best electronics, the best cables, the best room treatments, the system still sounds edgy and shrill and distorted, especially in the treble. Especially when played at moderately high or high volume.
gsm18439, your post intrigued me.  I'm not as experienced as many here, but I'm not inexperienced.  However, while the information you provide makes sense, I don't come to the same conclusion.  I would conclude from your experience that the change of speakers resulted in a change in the significance of the amp with which they are paired.  By the way, my most recent change was from SS to OTL tube amps and the quality/liveliness of the reproduction of the music has taken a very noticeable jump, given it's a good recording that I'm listening to.  My next major upgrade is to hopefully to change to more efficient speakers, specifically the Zu Druids, to further advance this development.  In other words, without your Zu speakers, you would not have fully appreciated the quality of your SET amp.  I not sure  which is the more important component, but I would say that both the amp and the speakers are important.

Does that make sense?

English is not my first language, so I can`t express myself very skillfully.
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