What Is Most Important?

What do you consider to be the most important element in your ultimate enjoyment of hifi reproduced music?


America (the headquarters of Satan on the planet Earth) is not the place where it is worth mentioning religion - this is not a priori here. But there are many people (naive or overconfident) who think they know something about this subject (strange - they have never seen it, but they know everything) ...

What a sensible statement. 


@firstgrowth + 1

Daily reminder: There are no white people in the bible.
How long before those of least melanin realize that and claim it's all CRT?

I love atheist humor.

All the best,

Except @nonoise, the Jewish genetic deviation is one of the lowest of any races, and in theory in the time of the bible, at least Jesus, could have been Ashkenazi, who by the most recent genetic studies have a predominantly European genetic lineage maternally, and middle eastern paternal lineage (which can often be fair skinned). So who is to stay whether people in the Bible were white, olive, brown, black or whatever. A significant portion would have been fairer skinned, and a significant portion likely more olive/light brown, but even if genetically fairer skinned, their genetic lineage, coupled with lack of sunscreen would have resulted in a deep tan on observed skin.

But the bigger question of course is what the heck that has to do with audio let alone this conversation? When were philes ever big on facts?

@theaudioamp , coulda, woulda, shoulda doesn't really give one an out on that.

As for what it has to do with audio, it was largely a jab at sergio, who hates Americans, is very sympathetic to Russia, and likes to crap on threads after he took a drubbing for his stance on an older thread that went sideways.

All the best,

I have no more issue with the average Russian than I do with the average Chinese person. They are victim of decades of abuse and propaganda from their own governments. In my travels, I have found that every day Russians and Chinese people are more like us than a lot of people from other countries. Russia as a monolith I have no sympathy for, but I think any person using common sense is the same.