What is the best OTL out there?

Hello. I've always been curious about OTL amplifiers, but never tried one except for the very unusual (and wonderful) Berning Siegfried, which was both SET and OTL. I wonder if there is an agreement as to which OTL currently in production can be considered to be the best. Ciao.
At the Newport show a few days ago I had a chance to hear OTL monoblocks from both Einstein and D Berning. OTL's are definitely closest in sound to no amp. Both were pure and endlessly open on top and both had tremendous presence and authority. Both were 70- 80 watts as I recall. In my judgement the system with the Berning amps sounded somewhat clinical and less than natural on top when pushed. The wide open bandwidth of an OTL can also invite unwanted super sonic spurious crap that gets into the picture... if not properly addressed.
The Einstein OTL mono's were my preference...(that day). Big, insanely open, realistic, clear and alive... and totally non-fatiguing. For the record, the one non-OTL amp that sounds closest to no amp is the Technical Brain amps from Japan just beginning new dist. in the U.S.

"The wide open bandwidth of an OTL can also invite unwanted super sonic spurious crap that gets into the picture... if not properly addressed."

It's ultimately an issue I hear as well. The level of transparency offered by an OTL mandates that EVERYTHING be balanced less hearing a bit more than you bargained for, that balance between clinical and musical which might be heard as an initial WOW as the brain starts working to fill in the blanks vs. being relaxed and engaged in the music, not the sound. When they are right, dialed in with the right components and addressing room issues, they can be quite special in their presentation.
Nice observation/comments. I agree with your perspective.
I had to laugh, but "super-sonic spurious crap" is a dead-on description of what might be a deal breaker for some people. But the wide-open bandwidth spoken of is literally like the door thrown open wide on your speakers. Quite a realization.