What is the best OTL out there?

Hello. I've always been curious about OTL amplifiers, but never tried one except for the very unusual (and wonderful) Berning Siegfried, which was both SET and OTL. I wonder if there is an agreement as to which OTL currently in production can be considered to be the best. Ciao.
Hi Al,
Thanks very much for your illuminating comments.  Well it sure seems that the Berning is an OTL amplif only in the sense that it lacks the "traditional "output transformer. Given information you provided calling it an OTL design is a generous stretch. I can see why Ralph would express reservations. 


It's time to buy that "son of Siegfried Amp" sold here on Audiogon :)

David Pritchard 

Hi David,
Based on word of mouth and reputation I’m sure that Berning amplifier you cite sounds terrific. Sometimes you reach a point where you’re just content with what you have. That’s where I happen to be at this time. 😊😊
Al,Charles,My OTL uses 8 or 16 ohms full range speakers,I can use 4 ohms but it's too bright,I am building  an OTL that I can change the output tubes having 7.5,6.3,5.0 & 4.0 volts filament.My OTL use interstage transformer and only one capacitor in  signal path.
HI,you can never tell the best OTL unless you have knowledge of  OTL tube circuitry.