No single correct answer other than those who own the Sabrinas with similar gear.
I have older Sashas with Silversmith Fideliums. Apples and oranges I presume.
I can't believe all the Nordost recommendations, awful awful choice. I own Wilsons and wouldn't recommend those cables to my enemy on these speakers. Entirely too accurate.
Call Dave at Zenwave audio he's making some of the best cables next to Siltech for the money, similar if not same or better sound. And Siltch would be my recommendation of cost no object for Wilsons. |
@jc51373 I agree with the recommendation to call Dave at Zenwave, he makes superb cables. Why do you think the Nordost cables are too 'accurate' for Wilson Sabrina X's? |
I own and use Transparent Ultra through an Linn based system with Dynaudio Special 25's. That being said, every time I have listened to a Wilson speakers it was with Transparent cable and they do have a good synergy. I would offer that if you can audition listen to a particular level, go not the next or drop one and see how you feel. For example, I listened to a set of Watt Puppies back in the day and felt it sounded best with Reference vs. Reference XL with the system being demoed by the Wilson rep. I am a bit of a Wilson cheerleader thought and your milage may very.
Nordost cables are a notoriously fast, accurate (albeit bright) cable. Wilson is a fast accurate speaker. Fast+Fast is not really a good combo for my listening ear anyway. I wouldn't choose Nordost for anything but the slowest or tube based systems. Unless one prefers super bright and fast sound, then have at it. |