@jc51373 I agree with the recommendation to call Dave at Zenwave, he makes superb cables.
Why do you think the Nordost cables are too 'accurate' for Wilson Sabrina X's?
@jc51373 I agree with the recommendation to call Dave at Zenwave, he makes superb cables. Why do you think the Nordost cables are too 'accurate' for Wilson Sabrina X's? |
I own and use Transparent Ultra through an Linn based system with Dynaudio Special 25's. That being said, every time I have listened to a Wilson speakers it was with Transparent cable and they do have a good synergy. I would offer that if you can audition listen to a particular level, go not the next or drop one and see how you feel. For example, I listened to a set of Watt Puppies back in the day and felt it sounded best with Reference vs. Reference XL with the system being demoed by the Wilson rep. I am a bit of a Wilson cheerleader thought and your milage may very.
Nordost cables are a notoriously fast, accurate (albeit bright) cable. Wilson is a fast accurate speaker. Fast+Fast is not really a good combo for my listening ear anyway. I wouldn't choose Nordost for anything but the slowest or tube based systems. Unless one prefers super bright and fast sound, then have at it. |
@jc51373 Nordost are fast and accurate, although i don’t think they are inherently bright. If your tweeter is a metal dome of some kind, then yes, the speakers can sound bright with Nordost ( which the older model Wilson’s did indeed). The new silk dome that Wilson uses is also quite accurate and I think the combo is very nice together. Nordost has a number of different cables, you do need to use a full loom and IMO you do need to choose which model works best with your gear, but if you are hearing brightness...this is typically a problem elsewhere, IME. YMMV. |