What is the best USB cable under $500 for a natural presentation and good detail ?

I have had a bunch of usb cables the vast majority are well over $500 for a 1 meter cable.   , I need a good usb cable  for new dac in my other audio system.


About tenyears ago I was finalizing my office headphone system… which had gotten out of control, with a Woo WA6SE amp, an Ayre QB-9 DAC a lot of power conditioning and contemporary high end headphones. I progressed through a number of USB cables (like a couple of good Wireworld ones) until I finally bit the bullet and bought a set of Rattle Snake River (or some ridiculous named USB connector) that had separated power from signal, and that bumped my system from really good to magic… it was an important jump in performance. Now, I don’t really know if it was the separation that did that, it was probably not. But this $500 connector was well worth it.

Maybe they ARE robots.

For me the iFI Gemini is a revelation.

It probably is dependant on the quality of the power supply.

I use it for a Pi to Topping D10s powered by iPower Elite.

Big improvement overall from a single Supra, particularly timbre and believability of instruments.

I made an OCC DC y-cord to split the power.