What is the future for Proac Speakers ?

I have always enjoyed their speakers and have owned them in the past. However, from what I have heard, they are no longer being imported into the US due to distribution problems, the main engineer is no longer there and Mr. Tyler's future is in question. I also see an increase in Proac's being sold here on Audiogon. Does anybody know what's going on at Proac ????
Modern Audio is indeed the distributor in the US. I had occasion to call there a few weeks ago, and during our brief conversation my primary sense of things was that the guy wanted to get off the phone as quickly as possible.

In conversation with a well-established high-street dealer in the greater DC/Maryland area (who does not sell Proacs), he stated that he could not think of a less pro-active distributor than Modern Audio. I have no opinion on the matter, merely report this opinion. As far as I can tell they do not distribute any other brands.

As far as I remember, Proac took a series misstep with the Future line, and while they have now come back to the tried and true, their current prices when translated into US$ must make them somewhat difficult to sell, given the fierce competition in the loudspeaker market. I know that I looked at them seriously recently and passed.
What matters the most is how they sound to you; if you like any particular current model, it really doesn't matter that much what is in their future. I like their current lineup; their stand-mounted speakers are certainly competitive with other models from popular favorites like Harbeth. The floorstanders with the ribbon tweeters are quite good and Proac has done a better job at integrating a ribbon tweeter with dynamic drivers than most who have attempted this feat (only Raidho comes to mind as having really done this well).

It is still worth looking into their speakers if you have liked the sound of their line in the past.
I have owned a few models and still have D-15's. After visiting Axpona, the 15's give up nothing to any competitors in terms of imaging, detail or sweetness. They do give up scale and soundstage to the best of them but the best are huge and very expensive. In fact, the visit reassured me my system is fine - I was getting a little anxious but re-visited some great recordings (SACD included) and I'm satisfied but thinking of improving my amplification - most rooms had great amps and you could hear it in the husky depth of many male vocalists - at least that's my interpretation.
Can you please describe the ProAc sound? What other speakers are you familiar with? I did like the Focal Aria, Tannoy, Sony, Audio Physic and Legacy at AXPONA. Really liked the KEF Reference series. But that is a bit beyond reach at this point. I have always wondered about PMC and got some great feedback from Twoleftears. Also considering ProAc D30R and Spendor D7.
I know it would be foolish to purchase anything without listening. Hence I am hoping to get some feedback before I travel a few hours to audition.
I guess the sound would be akin to a sweet mid range, with great clarity on the top end. Bass is exceptional if acoustic bass is used - otherwise a little congested with rock oriented electric bass. Not the best rock speaker, but excellent for Americana, folk, vocalists or jazz. They need some power, something I'm a little short on with my YBA Passion integrated. Highly compressed modern recordings are unlistenable - not sure if it's the speaker or me. I compared to Dynaudio which were a little too hot in the highs for my taste. I did not like the D-15's bi-wired and use Herbie's gliders under stock feet. YMMV.