What is the most expensive?

I thought it'd be fun to start a thread on the most expensive items in high-end audio. No regard should be given to quality, performance, or aesthetics. The only criteria is price.

I'll start off by mentioning the Karhma Grand Enigma (Enima) priced at $1M USD. Who's next?
FM Acoustics electronics -- most prices start @ ~30K per piece. But these pale by comparison to the Kharma...
I'll sell you my special Grand Enema power cable, 1/2 meter, for only $2 million. Note: Price does not include connectors. When used with my special Golden Shower Reference connectors ($1 million each), this power cable makes a powerful statement, easily outperforming power cables costing 2-3 times as much (which I also sell if you're interested). Of course, you must allow at least 20 years of break-in before it really opens up.
wow! makes it seem kinda insignificant to go out and buy a linn cd12 all of a sudden, doesn't it? i'll be back later . . . . .