What is Tight Bass?

I’m confused. Speaker size with a large woofer…can it be tight?

is it about efficiency? Amp power? Electrostatic?

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tight bass implies good control and damping which implies a good match between amplifier and speaker

Tight bass is an audiophile term that I never heard used in all my years working as a musician or in the studios. I think audiophiles use it to mean that you can differentiate the pitches of the bass instrument as opposed to a general rumble of low notes. Keep in mind that many people prefer the general rumble, as in car radios and juke boxes.  Gives the sound a comfortable cushion and warmth that is pleasing to the ear. 

I perceive it as articulate bass, the opposite of one note, overly resonant bass. Loose resonant bass is real no no for me, once I hear it in system, can never unhear. Also, recording dependent.


Agreed mostly. I too am a musician (drummer). I never heard a lot of things put forth in the music world which is prevalent among audiophiles. I always took "tight bass" as a bass line that is quick & sharp. I never heard a bass guitar sound that way except on some funk. I was never able to get good bass from the audiophile SS amps. It was a tube amp which showed me proper sounding bass. Yet, I had always heard that SS was better. It is not.