The B&W 802D has a tight Frequency Response - 28Hz - 34KHz. Typically you want a speaker that can capture as much of the frequency range as possible say - assuming your budget falls within the components you purchased you should be looking for speakers that perform within 23Hz - 40KHz. The frequency response will guide you towards your final choice which will be made with your Ears.
If you are looking to extract as much performance out of your existing set up, I agree with those who have stated -
You need more power driving your Power Amps. Look at your power delivery. If you are using Stock Power Cables your Amps are probably not even operating at 50% capacity. Check out Puritan Audio Labs, Audience Adept Response for Conditioners - For cables in this assumed price range I like the Analysis Plus Silver.
Invest in a Substantial - Tube Pre Amp, CJ is a great build and has some solid deals, Rogue Audio, Backert Labs, BAT, Older AR - before The McIntosh Group.
Invest in better Cables - Cable Company has a Library Program which is a great resource. Other companies are Silversmith Audio - Fidelium Cables, Tempo Electric, Thales, Analysis Plus.
After making these changes, I would suggest the next Investment be in a Pair of Subs, IMHO - REL 510 will get your Frequency response down to 20Hz.
Finally your CD Player - I would look towards a Player with a VRDS Mechanism. Developed by TEAC - Esoteric Player are built around the mechanism. Philips I believed just released their version of the Mechanism within the last couple of years.
I have always found better deals/ more bang for buck in the used market.
Good Luck