What is your favorite High EFF speaker

Hello Everyone!

The most interesting item on my horizon lately are high efficiency speakers. 

Better said, speakers which can easily be driven by amps whose output is from 15 to 70wpc. And likely lower, ala 300B  amps, or a pr of Els or KTs, etc. there are a ton of 30 to 75wpc tube amps out there that perform at fascinating levels, and are very interesting. 

Having exactly no EXP in this realm other than a former interlude with Silverline Sonata IIIs (reputedly 93db, @ 8 ohms) some time back, I’m asking for members EXP on current or  recent production  speakers  still available you have used which check all the boxes IYO.

 imaging, resolution, bottom end accuracy, impact and honesty.

I listen to sensible  music. Nothing urban or inner city, rave, etc.., but I do enjoy twisting up the ‘fun’ knob on the preamp from time to time. 

Many thanks.

My own Klipsch Epic CF 4. I also loved the K-Horns that I owned in the 70's, and I'm sure that I would love the Volti speakers and Oswald Mills, but I've never heard them. I also Like Altec Model 19's.  
correct me if wrong, I'm getting the impression from these posts horns last a pretty long time.

a friend out of state has a pair of klipshorns that I think he said were 30 years old. maybe 20. large units though. quite wide perhaps 30 inches? only 40 inches tall... I think.

using Bryston amps and shitte upstream gear, I was fairly impressed with how they sounded overall, given the setup. nothing to speak of wire wise. Shitte DAC was mid level. the sound was clean, clear quite resolving in a very musical manner.  using his latest additon, a shitte tube preamp, the demo was very very nice.
Hi Blindjim
Like everything else in life, it’s always more complicated than it seems. High efficiency is only half of the equation when it comes to selecting an amp in terms of wattage for a speaker. The speaker impedance might fall rather low (3 ohms or lower) in some cases for several octaves. These speakers are not necessarily bad, just difficult to drive although the efficiency might be high. So as much as you can, listen to the pair with your own music in your own environment before making a final decision. Hope that helps.