What is your vote for best bookshelf speaker ?

What is your vote for best bookshelf speaker in the world? I've been looking for quite some time for a cost no object pair of bookshelf speakers. I just settled on a pair but im curious what others think? Here are the major options and add any more you feel are worthy....

Dynaudio Confidence 3
Sonus Faber Extrema
Sonus Faber Guaneri Homage
Talon Audio Peregrine X
JM Labs Mini Utopia
Totem Mani II
JMR Trente
Revel Gems
Wilson Cubs
AE Signature 1s

I know i missed a few. Let me know what you think.... Thanks
B&W silver signatures when set up properly were the best ive heard in small speakers. The system i heard was mega buck right down to the silver wars.
proac response series 1sc or 2s. tyler acoustics reference monitors, dunlavy sm1.
best bargain bok shelf

B&W 302's they are incredible for the price
Hook it up to your high end system for kicks
I have a pair in the office setup

I bought the Peregrine Xs. The guaneris were my next favorite and then cmae the confidence threes and then the extremas. These four speakers plus the Mini Utopias and the Krell LAT 2s are all so good it is really impossible to make a bad descision. Each one can do one aspect better than the other. In the end it almost boils down to a matter of taste.
I've heard the R3s and they dont really compete in this class. They are good speakers for 3500.00 dollars but considering that i was comparing it with speakers mostly 2.5 X their price they really were not in the same league. Also in my oppinion the Totem Mani IIs are wonderful speakers for 4k but also do not really compete with the other speakers mentioned. The Dynaudio Craaft I believe in my oppinion is the best deal in bookshelf speakers. Its almost a confidence 3 at half the price. Anyways let me know if you think of any other speakers.... Thanks
How about the following:

atc SCM 7-an incredibly accurate, shoe box size speaker w
with astounding bass given its dimensions

Triangle Titus-Can't believe no one mentioned this bargain
(less than $500)

Harbeth Compact 7-Another extremely accurate speaker, but
unfortunately hard to find in USA, but
available direct from the distributor in

These are all far less expensive than many of those mentioned-the Harbeth is the most costly at about $2,400-yet deliver performance so good that you'll have a lot more to put into other parts of your system, or, better still, into what really matters: LP's and CD's!