Having watched some of the Townshend demo videos and experienced the benefits of iso acoustics pucks, I'm with @rixthetrick on the benefits of springs. Given the pure mechanical nature, I went with the Chinese solution on AliExpress:
$38 for a set of 8 reasonably attractive and apparently well-engineered spring isolators. Springs are removable so you can adjust to the weight of your component. Still waiting for delivery, but I bought 16 and am planning to isolate the entire system. Assuming the quality is consistent with the store reviews, that's not bad for < $80.
For people interested in trying other footing solutions (like ceramic bearings) without taking a big financial hit a this store has many other popular footer solutions: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/Foot-pad-LED-Volume-Display/3630068_513630114.html?spm=a2g0o....
$38 for a set of 8 reasonably attractive and apparently well-engineered spring isolators. Springs are removable so you can adjust to the weight of your component. Still waiting for delivery, but I bought 16 and am planning to isolate the entire system. Assuming the quality is consistent with the store reviews, that's not bad for < $80.
For people interested in trying other footing solutions (like ceramic bearings) without taking a big financial hit a this store has many other popular footer solutions: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/group/Foot-pad-LED-Volume-Display/3630068_513630114.html?spm=a2g0o....