What made you change to a 6SN7 preamp?

If you made an intentional shift toward a 6SN7-based tube preamp, what sonic characteristics motivated your move?

I have been doing some comparisons and think I have some reasons I like the 6SN7 better, but there are so many factors which could be at play, that I'm not sure what is responsible. 

Rather than list my details for others to analyze, I'd rather hear your answer to the basic question.

Tell me about your path toward a 6SN7 preamp?

What did you change from and why?

Even if, overall, the change was worth it, did you lose anything in the transition? What?


nothing at all - no desire to jump on the overpopulated overpriced bandwagon when there are so many lesser known and better alternatives out there.for those that roll their own

In perhaps the past 10 years or so there seem to be more preamps designed around the 6SN7. I’m on my second after using 12AU, AX7’s. I’ll agree with others regarding the tonal quality of these tubes, the spacious soundstaging, and the realistic textures of acoustic instruments. I use NOS exclusively in my preamp and in my amp, which uses six 6SN7s, due to their consistent quality and sonics (when you buy from a trusted dealer). Due to the increased pricing and availability issues of true NOS, I’ve started to take notice of the high quality of new production tubes. Now there will be no shortage of high quality 6SN’s with the availability of new production. For what it's worth, I’ve never owned a new production small signal tube that equaled the SQ of NOS.

I have a Schiit Freya with 6SN7’s, NOS Sylvanias from Brent Jesse, They are quieter and create a wider sound stage - 3 feet beyond the speakers on each side. Never got that from the original Tung Sols or J&Js.

BTW, my TT cartridge cost 4X the Freya. I downsized from Gryphon monoblocks.  Don’t feel any burning need to move up from the Freya and it’s 6SN7s.



@dougthebiker , You know I had a Schitt Freya a few years ago and I miss it. I've bought pricier things and still think about the pleasure the Freya brought me.  The Freya was worthy pairing with gear even 5x its price. It's that good in my humble view. 

Here's a summary of my story. I had owned, used and enjoyed Naim equipment for several decades. When I got my Quad 63s and had a friend over he said "I wonder how these would sound with tubes..."

Another friend had always run tube equipment. At one time I'd been using a Dynakit ST-70 and enjoyed it a lot.

I started asking around on various fora about tube preamps. On one board (I don't even remember which one it was) someone who seemed to know what he was talking about recommended that I look at preamps based around the 6SN7 tube. I think he suggested a Don Sachs.

With little understanding of what I was even trying to learn I started to read up on the various forums. I was getting ready to buy a Don Sachs preamp when I ran across the "Preamp Deal of the Century" thread here. 

After much reflection I decided to order a Supratek. It was the first new, full price piece of equipment, other than phono cartridges, I'd bought in many years. It was worth every penny, even though it is the most expensive thing I've ever bought. I've never, ever had a moment of buyer's remorse. Not even a particle.

On other threads you might notice this comment, which now kind of represents my equipment philosophy. I want hand-made, technically superb equipment built by fanatics. Sole proprietors, ideally. Boutique-type stuff. Or hard-core dedicated experts and technical geniuses. I am less interested in equipment built by companies run by egotistical promoters who get a lot of press. I'm not saying their equipment isn't good. I'm just talking about my preferences.