what made you get into high end gear.

im pretty sure most if not all of us here have been music lovers & system owners off & on our entire lives so the love of good music isnt really what im lookin for.

what really got me thinking about this was i was lookin at the virtual systems a while back when i read where another member gave a reason why he got into high end gear & it floored me,i swear what this guy wrote coulda been a page from my life.

i guess what im askin is was there a special moment or a certian peice of gear that caused you to take the leap from store bought systems into the world of high end gear.

i'll wait to post my reasons as i dont want to make the thread take a certian course.

Helping my dad assemble his first stereo system in the late 60s did it. It consisted of a Scott 15 watt solid-state receiver, Scott 3-way floor standing speakers, and a top of the line Garrard idler wheel changer with Pickering cartridge. I remember its arrival like it was yesterday. I listened to every conceivable kind of music, and learned how to get the best sound out of the rig at a very early age. I absolutely loved it. I was hooked on audio, and recorded music from that time forward.

I still have the Scott speakers that operate as the mains in a home theater system, and they are more than adequate in that role. Makes me wonder how far we've really come in the intervening decades.
After staring at Nrchy's red and blue pot on his 'system' picture I think I just became mentally ill, but I don't feel that much different.
Twenty four years ago a Linn dealer demonstrated how much impact turntables have on your system's sound! At 18 I could clearly hear the differnce. No sells job needed. Been on this journey ever since...