what made you get into high end gear.

im pretty sure most if not all of us here have been music lovers & system owners off & on our entire lives so the love of good music isnt really what im lookin for.

what really got me thinking about this was i was lookin at the virtual systems a while back when i read where another member gave a reason why he got into high end gear & it floored me,i swear what this guy wrote coulda been a page from my life.

i guess what im askin is was there a special moment or a certian peice of gear that caused you to take the leap from store bought systems into the world of high end gear.

i'll wait to post my reasons as i dont want to make the thread take a certian course.

After staring at Nrchy's red and blue pot on his 'system' picture I think I just became mentally ill, but I don't feel that much different.
Twenty four years ago a Linn dealer demonstrated how much impact turntables have on your system's sound! At 18 I could clearly hear the differnce. No sells job needed. Been on this journey ever since...
Ever since I realized I could have sound in my own room as a teenager I've realized that I could have something that sounded better. Good sound was probably the first "good taste" I naturally came across - the first thing I realized that I was interested in improving that nobody around seemed to care about. I haven't always been able to pursue it, but I've always wanted better audio.
I wasn't convinced before, but after seeing that shot of Christy, I'm certain that we made the right decision to buy a pair of Klipschorns.