What makes strings sound "sweet"?

I have always wondered about this. If you listen to many recordings of bowed string instruments, then you know that the upper registers can sometimes have a sweet tone. I define this by what it is not - edgy, brittle, dry and rough sounding. It is smooth and inviting. I used to assume this was due to rolled off highs or an emphasized midrange, but I am not so sure. It varies by recording, or course, but I have often wondered what, in the recording or reproduction process, causes strings to either sound brittle or sweet. Is it the acoustic of the original recording venue? A frequency balance issue? I would love to hear from those who might know. Thanks!

I agree with what you are saying. Getting a handle on massed strings has been one of the biggest challenges for my system I have found.

But I don't think that invalidates that different mikings produce different sounds in recordings.

I will likely agree that they should not sound overly steely with any decent recording, but at the same time I am not sure that they are always equally smooth yet detailed or "sweet".

Massed strings is definitely one aspect of sound that getting right definitely helps separate the contenders from the pretenders
I'm not invalidating the importance of the role of the recording engineer. I'm just saying that they almost always do a good job, at least in my experience across a wide variety of classical music. It still remains a stereo system issue. Besides, the point is moot. What can you do? Re-record all your favorite pieces. Try the cables. They aren't smooth or sweet, just real. Even Gidon Kremer sound good.
The problem I have is that it varies from recording to recording. So there's really no way to balance your system to make everything sound good, unless you roll the highs off so much that other instruments start to sound dead.

When I come across a recording with screechy strings, I typically grit my teeth and listen to something else instead.
There is one thing no one mentioned. That is the type of violin and strings used in that recording. That will have a significant effect on what you here (obviously). The recording is part of it, yes, but I can tell you you'll run screaming if I place Dominant's run-of-the-mill strings on my violin versus Pirastro "Olive" Gold strings which are silver/nickel wound over gut and you'll melt in your chair.

The point of my response, while the OP is geared toward the recording, it still failed to recognize the instruments themselves. Some people really just play on crappy strings. It may have been the recording of the century too but it still won't sound sweet.
I think it is due to tone woods and the type of varnish they use and the strings and the bow and the player too.
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