What order?

All, I am pretty sure I know what direction to go, looking for some additional input. 

I am look at making 2 improvements to my living/man cave/ entertaining room.  
- Dirac
- acoustic panels.  

I am running b&w 800s and a pair of rythmik f15hp subs for "2" channel, for HT includes htm1d and sides/rears in the ceiling. 

Thru the normal home improvement jouney, I recently purchased some added seating that happen to get setup as a buffer in first reflection point along the left and right side of the room and i was BLOWN away by the difference in response and impact. The chairs really cut down on reflections and the experience was much more powerful.  For reference, the rooom is 10k ft^3 (yes i know not optimal) just means using more gear.  

Next step in the journey, which comes first?  Dirac then additional acoustic panels or panels followed by dirac.  Even though it will be itteratice, what would "you" start with and why?  

Also get yourself a copy of the Master Handbook of Acoustics and read twice...

Acoustic tuning, but rather than try to DIY it I strongly suggest you call GIK Acoustics. They have places you can submit fotos and get advice. Great products and very knowledgeable staff.

Then try Dirac.
I noticed  judging by the virtual systems that quite a few  people spend a lot money on accoustic panels in serious high end systems yet they have one solidarity arm chair?? 

I say fill  ones room with decent sofa or extra chairs & book shelves or shelves with cds & lps .  Make it socialable & comfy.

Listening to music should be fun not an experiment in sonic retrieval .

Good luck
As I've posted elsewhere, you can experiment with blankets and pillows. Throw them on the floor or up on the walls , especially between and behind your speakers. This is a cheap experiment which will reveal the value.

I think panels and bass traps are for all levels of systems. Going without but spending money on power cords is ridiculous to me in terms of scale.


I put a blanket over TV and put only canvas pictures on my walls .
Also, believe it or not, turning off your wi-fi can help .