What pets hang out with Audiophiles?

We seem to be on a roll with this type of thread - cars, watches, etc.

What pets do audiophiles have? Do they hang with you while you're listening or run for cover? I have a couple dogs (shelties) and a couple sets of fish. Neither listen with me. Anything exotic out there? -Kirk

Two cats, Paco and Lugnut. Often they both will be on either side of me on the back of the couch when I listen. Lugnut KNOWS when the record is finished because when the stylus is in the lead-out groove he will put his nose on my neck to inform me it's time for me to get up and deal with it.
I have one dog ( mix terrier/chocolate lab ).She usually sleeps in her own chair while I seriously listen. She eventually wakes up a little anxious to get my attention, but she is patient, as she knows that I will take a break for her to take a walk around the block. She's my best friend.Cats are cool, but a dog's love and loyalty to their master are lifelong and unconditional.
My two greyhounds lie on the floor while the music is playing, one in front of each speaker. They don't seem to notice the music. They just enjoy being lazy.