What power conditioner

One dealer raving about gigawatt. Ranging from 2500 to 12k. Any feedback on these and others. 
Interesting about the AQ. You mentioned that you may have more noise through your grid. Do you live in an area with older electrical services, house wiring, etc. Just curious. 
to my knowledge, i don’t  have more noise than others. I had also upgraded the wiring in my house. I do have a couple of refrigerators but none were on the circuit i use.  


Attempt an in-home trial run not only for the Gigawatt, but every line/power conditioner considered. Have fun!

Happy Listening!
I'm also just curious as I'm deciding wether or not I should buy / audition such a thing. I don't really believe it can make such a night and day difference, that's the thing. So what is it exactly that you're supposed to "hear" (or better, don't hear) with such a product? Is your current multi-thousand dollar setup really that noisey if you run it through a regular power strip? Mine is rather clean already, although I know somehow that my power isn't all that clean (lots and lots of wall warts in the house).
I have had many the VIBEX GRANADA PLATINUM is by far the best very quiet,dynamic with a deep wide sound stage.