what preamp to use

I am just entering into the vinyl world. I have done minimal research on what kind of turn table to buy. My brother in law has a VPI Scoutmaster and I was totally shocked the way it sounded....I don't want to kick out the big bucks that he spent.. He recommended the Music Hall mmf-5, which I have already ordered...I have a Harmon Kardon avr 235 with Polk speakers that sound really good..What type of pre-amp should I get for around the $100.00 range..If someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated...Thnks,

As I recall, some were reporting great results using TWO battery powered Rat Shack phono pre's- one for each channel. Maybe start with one and add the second later if budget is tight.

I think it is "TireGuy" that uses two Little Rats. He also does some additional modifications.
For under $100, I recommend the Hagerman Bugle http://www.hagtech.com/bugle.html#bugle. You buy a blank circuit board ($35) and the parts ($30) from Digikey, which you solder on to the board. Ideally you should have some soldering exprience, but I built one without any electronics knowledge or soldering experience. You can also buy it for $150 fully assembled.

The disadvantage of the Bugle is that it requires two 9-volt batteries that only last about 16 hours. To fix this, you can add a power supply that Jim Hagerman sells, switch to more efficient (but lower fidelity opamps), or use a longer lasting lead acid battery (as recommended by John Elison on audioasylum) http://db.audioasylum.com/cgi/m.mpl?forum=vinyl&n=342009&highlight=+elison+lead+battery&r=&session=.

I compared the Bugle to the NAD PP-2 ($129 retail), and liked the Bugle better.
I use the Music Hall MMF phono pre-amp. It is right in your price range, new. My system consists of an Arcam AVR200 and the Music Hall mmf-7. Although I don't claim to have the depth of knowledge or obsession (with all due respect) of a lot of the folks here, I do like good sound and this combination has been working well for me.