What’s a 10k to 15k speaker from smaller company that performs well?

My gato FM6 is a sheer joy in this range. I just wondered what others have bought in this range. Great open midrange. Nice treble extensions. Great detail  and musical 
Roger that larryi. I heard the Charney's at CAF (with the high end AER driver) and they sounded very promising. Wonderfully present, quick and coherent. Another high efficiency brand to consider is Daedalus Audio. Paired with an LTA Ultralinear they produce some of the best sound I've heard. Daedalus has several models that can be had in your price range. They are handcrafted, artisan loudspeakers that perform at the highest level.
Yes, Daedalus is one of the obvious recommendations.  Also take a look at Chapman Audio.
Legacy Audio Aeris (when bought used), or the Legacy Audio Focus XD, or SE.  

Or, the dc10Audio / Viking Acoustics Berlin R monitors.