What's a good beginner turntable at $2500+- range?

I want to take the plunge and buy a good used turntable. I don't want anything that requires a lot of tweaking or constant supervision, but I do want the highest resolving and best sound table I can buy. My range is $2500 or so but could go a bit higher if necessary. I'll buy it used so that should give me a bit more buying power.

Showing 3 responses by rccc

It might be interesting to ask this question another way. What table on the used market should you stay away from? Like for instance I think due to thier cult status used Linns are way over priced as are certain idler drives. Asking for recommendations will just get you the various fan clubs of which Ive belonged to many. You can get a really fine table here on agon for $2500. be patient and be ready to pounce on a killer deal when it comes up. Everything recommended above would be great.
"I had a SOTA Cosmos mk3, even upgraded it (paid $900) to have it upgraded to mk4 status. A brand new Cosmos mk4 cannot play a record at a consistent speed when compared to a vintage $300 direct drive Luxman PD-264."
Ive owned several Sotas and they have all had rock solid speed stability and can go toe to toe with just about anything out there at any price (Ive tried most of them) I wouldnt be without one. I also have a Technics 1200 and 1301 which are fantastic tables but not even close to a Sota vacuum table.
I am a loyal Sota owner having owned most of their models. That said there are a few things to consider if buying a used Sota. Make sure the vacuum lip is current and the bearing is in good shape. If the deck is prepared properly for shipping it will travel with no problems (I have shipped several) however if the transit screws are not properly snugged the bearing will be damaged. The last 2 I purchased here on a-gon had damaged bearings even though the seller said they new how to pack them. Your best bet is to find a nice clean nova or star and figure to send the platter (easy to remove) and vacuum pump back to Sota for inspection and rebuild. The total cost is about $800. but if you factor that into your purchase price you will have an as new Sota which will give years of service and floor you with its resolution. Kirk and Donna at Sota are freindly and helpfull and support all their models very well.