It might be interesting to ask this question another way. What table on the used market should you stay away from? Like for instance I think due to thier cult status used Linns are way over priced as are certain idler drives. Asking for recommendations will just get you the various fan clubs of which Ive belonged to many. You can get a really fine table here on agon for $2500. be patient and be ready to pounce on a killer deal when it comes up. Everything recommended above would be great.
What's a good beginner turntable at $2500+- range?
I want to take the plunge and buy a good used turntable. I don't want anything that requires a lot of tweaking or constant supervision, but I do want the highest resolving and best sound table I can buy. My range is $2500 or so but could go a bit higher if necessary. I'll buy it used so that should give me a bit more buying power.