What's a Good Way to Buy Music Collections?

I want to grow my collection of music files and buying CD's one at a time and ripping them takes a long time. Does anyone know where I can simply buy thumb drives of lossless or hirez music files? Thanks


Picture someone who just bought a new car and found out they do not put CD players in them anymore [true dat].  But you can stick a thumb drive into the USB socket and play that.  


Over the years I’ve gone to garage sales. At the last one, I scored just under 1100 CD’s for $150.00. I kept what I wanted and gave the rest to a friend. I told him to take what he wanted and pass the rest on. I have no idea what he kept, but a few weeks later I found a check in the mail for $100.00.  I tried to give it back to him and he started to get mad! So I ended up filling in my collection with around 200 CD’s for $50.00.

Something else you can do is get disks from the library and rip them. I know someone who did that for years until they had nothing else left that he wanted.

All the best.


You can find lots of CD's on EBAY for about 25 cents a disc, it is kind of a grab bag which is fine with me. I would prefer not to have to rip but it is a good suggestion, thanks


I won’t buy grab bag.  I went though probably 900 of the 1100 before I gave them the money. Either way check your local library.

All the best.