What's best CD player one piece price no object

I am awaiting the new Spectral one piece CD player, estimated to cost $9,500 and to come out early next year. What other players should I consider, given the rest of my system (Spectral amp and preamp, Watt/Puppy 7s, MIT interconnects)? Thanks for the input.
I third Mejames & Tireguy, I'm leaning towards the tube sound, and so far on my posts, the Capitole keeps coming up, overall simplicity-wise and otherwise, no trans/dac/digital cable matching, can be used with or w/o preamp if desired. I'll probably end up buying it after I exhaust all my other options.
Wait a month - Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista SACD player just around the corner with an estimated MSRP of $6K.
I 4th the Audio Aero Mk II. Kocsis, it will sound great going direct to your Sprectral amps.