What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(

The heading says it all!! What do you guys think is the reason that the sales in the used high end market have gone soft??
Prices too high? Economy too slow?? Stock market too volatile?? Something else??

Given inflated high end prices, the collapse in secondary sales prices may reflect what this stuff is really worth

I am not speaking for anyone else here, but I grew up in a house where television was B/W then colour in the 60's. We rode on bicycles 4-5 miles to school, in shorts and long socks, rotary dial bakelite phones, slide rules and log tables, no calculators.

HiFi, or Stereo was hi-end. Not everyone had a valve radio/record player all in one wood made unit. We appreciated every new piece of technology that came along. And it was expensive. I remember my Apple IIe with twin 360kb 5.25 floppy disks cost AUD$2,500.

The availability of near to best high end HiFi is in comparison, cheap. Why would a millennial or gen Y/Z pay a gazumption on high priced art when you can travel the world for $1000?

The big end of town is quickly running out of appreciative buyers. Get with it guys, stop crying about reality.

Don't get me started on MQA enabled mobile phones which Bluetooth to Hi Def earphones. There are more than enough millionares/billionaires/moguls/movie/TV stars in this world to make all Hi End manufacturers millionares themselves. Some of us aren't that privileged!
let's face it, with time the great sounding old designs become progressively more obsolescent, and to keep paying higher and higher prices for them becomes foolish.  they must have a distinct investor grade quality to keep climbing in value, i.e. they must retain or gain in value, to be worth buying.  when the prices start to drop, that's the signal it's not an investment, rather it's just a trend that has been played out, or it's been surpassed by newer developments in technology and sound.  I'm seeing this same phenom in everything vintage or antique.  what drives the prices up to the sky is big money getting interested in buying it, and when that wanes, the prices can only go down.  all these cheap knock-off Chinese-made tube amps don't help any. hopefully we can get nasty tariffs on them all, and then you'll see vintage tube gear pick up again.