What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".

Enjoyed your last two posts, oblgny.  Just for context, I do have 5 more years than you...but who's counting.  You had previously mentioned the EJ 11/17/70 live recording.  Remember listening to that back in the early '70s.  A good one as I recall, though we'll leave your review out of the discussion.  "...feeling my skin crawl in repulsion." - self-editing is commendable.  More of it would be a good thing in various A'gon threads.

I could certainly relate to your comments about media preferences or,  more correctly, your lack of strong media preference.  I'm in the same place.  Have LPs I've been lugging around for 40+ years now.  Have equipment that's more than adequate for playing those.  I enjoy them but not interested in pursuing the zenith of vinyl playback.  For the same $ spent, it does seem easier to get great sound from digital.  Mostly I buy and listen to digital...whether CDs, ripped files, Spotify, Tidal or internet radio.  When the spirit moves to get something on vinyl I'll buy old (first issue if I can afford it) original LPs.  There is something about holding a 40 or 50 year old "artifact" that can still generate great sound.  

Looked at your system.  Seems that many would be happy to own such as their best! let alone as the product of simplification.  No slight to your Thiels but I'd love to be able to hear the Kestrels some day.  

Okay...blathered on enough.  Hope you enjoy more good music with great sound today.  
@ghosthouse - Lee Michaels, "Who Could Want More"

Now THAT’S what I’m talking about. Do You Know What I Mean? Great tune from a great artist........

Glad someone else remembers. Lee is kinda overlooked nowadays. Personally, probably able to appreciate him more now than back when. Started looking tonight at his material on Tidal because of an obit someone posted a link to on Audio Asylum. Turns out Barry "Frosty" Smith, the drummer Lee worked with on several albums, died mid April. More sad news.

In my CD Player tonight - The still incredible "Frampton Comes Alive" 1998 Doug Sax Digital Remaster.

I know this record was mega-popular and was overplayed back in the day, and still to this day. But it was, and is, an influential recording that deserves the acclaim it received.

For me, the slow tracks on the record are the stars - "All I Wanna Be (Is by Your Side)", "Winds of Change" and "Lines on my Face" are the big winners for me.