What's in your Wadia iTransport system?

I am having a difficult time working out the "hard edge" in my current system: iPod 160gb Classic (lossless) > Wadia iTranport > Cambridge DacMagic > Rotel RSP-976 > Rotel RP-985 MKII > Paradigm Studio 20 v3. The Rotel components and speakers were purchased used on AudioGon, the remaining purchased new. Total investment ~ $2,500. I would appreciate hearing about your iTransport system and investment. Also any suggestions on next-step cost effective improvements on my system. Thanks very much.
I have a Monarchy DIP 24/94 between my Wadia iTransport and my tubed CAL Alpha DAC, and there is no 'hard edge' to speak of (1m Kimber D60 from Wadia to DIP, .5m Orchid AES/EBU from DIP to DAC). Sounds like you've taken car of one of the main considerations in using your iPod as a source, i.e. importing music into iTunes using Apple Lossless format (and not as MP3s). My iPod sounds better as a source than my CAL Delta transport hooked up the same way, which makes no sense to me, but it is what it is.

Keep your eyes peeled for a used DIP - it won't hurt any, and if it doesn't work for you, you can sell it on Audiogon without losing your money on it.
What are you using as a digital cable between the Wadia and the Cal Alpha Dac? Maybe this is where the brightness is. Try a few different digital cables first before you get rid of your Rotel stuff.
I've a somewhat similar system in my office and I'd assume it is the Rotel. I bet a tube amp would be spiffy.
I have a 160 GB ipod classic with the Wadia 170i into the DAC section of an CA 840C via Creative Cable Concepts Green Hornet digital cable. This is all going to a NAD C372 int-amp and Polk Lsi 15's. This sound is awesome.
i bought an adaptor from voodoo cable to allow for use of a better pc - lessloss -- and i also use an excellent digicable -- a kharma grand ref. i think a good pc and digicable will help tame your nasties. quite frankly, i have not heard any jitter issues although the itransport allegedly has high jitter.
