What's it worth?

Actually two questions here.

I have to downsize some of my collection as age is catching up and a move to smaller dwelling is in the near future.
I have 2 turntables and think I will keep the SL1200MKll. As much as I hate the thought I may have to give up my beautiful Luxman PD 121. It has an SME 3009 TA with a Denon DL103 MC cartridge and Denon AU 320 dual pick up matching transformer. Pretty sure I still have the original owners manual for it. I have owned it since new and very rarely ever use it. I have no idea what this set up might be worth today in near perfect condition.

The second question is the one that scares me the most. I don't think I would even attempt to pack and ship this nice table so it would have to be a Pick Up only sale and I live in the mountains about 90 miles from NYC.

A few years back I sold one of my Sansui G-9000 receivers and packed it like it was going to Mars. The shipper drove the fork of the fork lift right through it and then fought me over the insured value. I won't do it again.

Thanks for any input here.

Thanks NK, I have a number in mind for all the stuff and based on sales I can find. I do agree taking the refusal to ship detracts from the value.

PD121, all original with plastic dust cover and a protective cloth cover from Digital Deck Covers and original owners manual.

Sure, SME 3009 TA

Denon AU-320 Dual pick up step-up unit.

Head shell with a lightly used Denon DL 103 plus a new DL 103 cartridge in the box and there are some other alignment gauges for setting them up.

It all works fine and all the lights work and the platter holds speed but I would suspect after 45+ years the monofilament line for the TA anti skate could be a bit stiff but a very simple fix if even necessary.

I am not familiar with the rules here as far as offering items for sale because I have pretty much dropped out of this world and have not spun an album in a number of years. 


A search of completed Ebay sales and Hifi Shark transactions give you a range. of sold values. Factor in the limitation of created by local pick up and you should get a reasonable value established. 

Yes, I still have the Luxman but still have not determined it's value. I am open to offers but I refuse to ship it so it would have to be picked up here or near where I live. Tri States where NY, NJ and PA touch, Port Jervis, Middletown or Monticello NY area.

I have no doubt you guys are all giving me good advice and the Luxman is the one to keep. I'm just thinking it would be better served in the hands and ears of those who could appreciate the differences. All of my albums are from the music of my days 60s & 70s and we still love it but the quality from the source vinyl after 40-50 years does not lend itself to the quality you are after with all the HQ stuff available today. The one part I can't fix is my old ears so please try to understand the time has come to let some things go to those who still can hear and enjoy. I see cartridges going in the tens of thousands and it would not make a nickles worth of difference to me and my ability to hear. My advice to all of you Audiophiles would be use it before you lose it and there will come a time when you also need eye glasses to read the labels. I went from Helicopter jet engines over my head during Vietnam right into law enforcement and being the weapons range instructor for the next 30 years with high power gun blasts every day. My most used word from the English language these days is "What" and I know it seems harder for you to understand than it is for me.
I would check first trying to change the cartridge on your SME3009, that arm needs a High/Med. compliance cart. not the low compliance denon 103; you might change your mind after that. And I agree with czarivey, without hearing both I would prefer the Luxman/setup.
Thanks Andy, that gives me some ball park numbers to work off. I wish I could remember what I paid for it new but all I know is it was quite a chunk with the AU 320 step up and DL 103 all installed at the shop and I want to say somewhere between 1975-1980. It replaced a BIC 980 table I was never happy with. I picked up the Technics SL1200 MKll back when they were all the rage for DJs because some of my older vinyl was somewhat abused and I never wanted to spin them on the Luxman for fear of hurting the much more expensive DL 103.
I can't disagree CZ but there comes a time when the ears start going and you just can't hear the difference between good and better. The SL1200 is no slouch with a decent cartridge.

Figure value at 60% of what? The Lux was bought back in the mid to late 1970s and I doubt what it cost then has anything to do with what it might be valued at today. I have searched this and a couple other sites to see if any have sold recently but no luck finding any info.
wow parting out with unique and leaving with trivial?
those are different class fs.

Figure value at 60% of retail but honestly you'll probably end up selling at about 40-50% of new retail cost...
 As for shipping you might try finding a small shipping crate(real wooden crate) or I imagine if you offer a great price you'll probably get a buyer out of the city who will meet you half way for pickup(in a well lit,traffic'ed place)...Good luck...