What's next after Dynavector 20XL?

I haven't heard and don't have audition access to the many fine cartridges mentioned in this Forum so I'm hoping you can help. I would like to move up a step or two from my current cartridge, but keep the budget to about $1,500 or less.

I like the character of the Dynavector 20XL as described in a 6moons review: "The DV 20X-2 brings more openness to the midrange without grain or stress, tremendously greater treble extension and information and a little more control in the bass. It also stages deeper and images more precisely whilst delivering almost all the dynamic impact of the Denon. The 20X-2 is not a warm cartridge but I doubt anybody would describe it as cold or analytical as you'll read about some older Lyras now and then. Neither does it offer the rich density of the better MM options but it certainly delivers the best of MC resolution and tonal finesse with a huge helping of giddy up."

One area that I would like to improve upon is tracking ability (some highly modulated grooves have caused mistracking).

What would you suggest as an upgrade?
Ihad a DV20XH on my Rega P7. When Itraded up to the P9 my delaer suggested a Lyra Delos - I am more than pleased with his suggestion. The suspension design is just so simple it is clever. This cartidge tracks without a hitch @ 1.75g (the suggested VTF to get the magnets to be parallel in the headshell).
If you like the 20XL's character, maybe the XX-2 MkII is a good choice. Love mine (which was rebuilt by Soundsmith), but it is the only high end cart I have had.

They can be found for less than the MSRP
Transfiguration Axia

It retains the warmth and character of the Dynavector but adds that extra bit of dimension, texture and detail that comes from a better cartridge. When moving from the 20X to a XX2 you will gain detail but lose a bit of that warmth that the 20X has.