What's next after my 300B Rega Turntable

I a very happy new vinyl lover. But I've got the itch for a significant improvement in my turntable. One of my dealers is recommending the Well-Tempered Classic, but does not have one to try in my home. Thoughts, ideas, recomendations for a turntable under 5K. Thanks
Origin Live Resolution table. Origin Live Encounter tonearm. Shelter 501 MkII cartridge. Total is just under $4700. Origin Live gives a 14 day money back guarantee (I think you pay for shipping, though). They have U.S. dealers listed on their website.
Wait a minute. We have a question here about which of the "Poobahs" is higher. Is it the Great Poobah, or the Grand Poobah? Is anyone "pulling rank" here? Is there some kind of accepted "Poobah" hierarchy?
Didn't mention the cart you have. Why do you want to dump the rega so fast?
Since you say you're "new" to vinyl (welcome!)I'd keep the rega w/ unknown cart, and put $3k into used and new vinyl, save the rest, and wait till next year.

Do not ever talk to dealers about recomendations. They will always have one. It will not be what you have, nor will it be for free.
Shasta, not all dealers are cads. Some are very much interested, in giving the customer great sound. Though some are not, but a blanket comment such as that, is not fair, to those who truly care.
Grandpoo- I used to have the 300 and upgraded to the WT Classic. The Classic is quite a bit better- quieter, extended bass, much more clarity. A couple of things to bear in mind if you decide to go used- be sure to get the black damped platter (vs clear or frosted acrylic) and, if possible, get the round motor and not the square motor.

One further note- I use a Benz LO.4 cartridge which seems to work well, but you might ask around before making a decision. TWL likes the Denon 103 and Shelter cartridges and, if they would work well with the WT table/arm, they might be good choices. With a few exceptions, I'd stick with MC cartridges on this table.
