What's the best Sony CD/SACD player?

Hi all, there's been a bunch of talk lately about Sony's latest 5400ES SACD player. I have a 9100ES DVD player I use for both video and audio. What are peoples' opinions on the best new or used Sony for CD/SACD sources?

Specifically, what about the new 5400ES, the XA-9000ES, the 777ES, vs my 9100ES? They all seem available for around $1000.00.

What else would people suggest in that price range for 90% RBCD and 10% SACD? The rest of my system is Linn. I'm also thinking about a used Linn Unidisk SC.


Showing 1 response by russ_l

Guys-I think you're all missing the point for the existence of the 5400; that is passing multichannel SACD data over an HDMI interface to a proper decoding processor. The fact that it plays stereo CD and stereo SACD well is just a bonus

Give it a try; multichannel blows away stereo, by miles and miles! None of that darker, warmer, more neutral, etc., stuff - you are just there, right at the performanace.
