Dear Jhreyes: I don't know why you want to change for straight tonearm design that can give you no advantages and where you can loose all the GST-801 advantages it has.
IMHO your Lustre is one of the best tonearm designs out there and you maybe can't do better with almost any other tonearm it does not matters what you want to pay because even tonearms in the 5K+ price can't outperform it.
Btw, who give you that tonearm advise that made you want to change the GST-801?, with all respect IMHO is totally wrong with out single know how on that advise.
Regards and enjoy the music,
IMHO your Lustre is one of the best tonearm designs out there and you maybe can't do better with almost any other tonearm it does not matters what you want to pay because even tonearms in the 5K+ price can't outperform it.
Btw, who give you that tonearm advise that made you want to change the GST-801?, with all respect IMHO is totally wrong with out single know how on that advise.
Regards and enjoy the music,