What's the cost of an entry level vinyl setup?

I'm just curious how much it would cost to get the equipment required to make vinyl worth listening to. I know players are available for cheap, but would anticipate the sound quality to be the same.

What would be your recommendation to go with a system worth about $5,000 in total? Is there a significant advantage to vinyl at this level? I've heard vinyl on high enough equipment to know that at it's best it's better than digital, but am not sure what it would cost for the average joe to get a quality sound.

I'd love to have a system that was more 2-channel specific, but I don't have the budget or space to do both so I'm stuck in the world of compromise. I am extremely happy with the sound of my system, but realize that the sky's the limit for those that keep looking. I had considered going with a 2-channel amplifier running out of a less expensive home theater receiver, but my old receiver didn't have pre-outs forcing me to purchase both and I couldn't find anything of equal overall quality for the same price. The other downside for me having another component is the WAF. She's been as supportive beyond any expectation that I would have so I'm always trying to keep her in mind with the system.

I'm not really planning to get into vinyl, most because of the dedication it takes to do it right and the added expense. It would take an investment of a significant percentage of my entire existing system to exceed the sound quality of my CD/SACD playback and at the age of 32 I'm not attached to vinyl in my heart like some of a different generation.

The general cost estimate seems to be $2,000+ for great quality sound. I'm enjoying learning about vinyl and what it takes to really get it right. I simply can't afford to start down that never ending path...
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oh me oh you all. not too sure bout confusion?

just trying to give much important and justly earned and easy to understand advice to the "phishing" op. who never said anyting bout own already owned audio system or room or room layout or rack/space or rack for tt or about already records owned or what were expectations for vinyl or what op did not like or did about vinyle or digital already owned or listened to or and or really or do or i or need or to or go or on or...oh wait, op did says knows cheep exists, and cheep will already be expected to not good, but against what? not said so I assume..and his/her will be with that mindset an why not and so I say, i says so go way too expensive! no worries then right? oh, op didnt say what is too expensive either. or if him/her considers own system cheep already to begin with, or what likes about own system or doesn't or what the strengths and weaknesses of said system are, and im too bored....so for a 5000 system, I'd put in most expensive t.t., walker audio i.e. and be done with it! Considering the op question, this would be worth listengin to..but then he/she wont even need records or phono stage or cartridge or knowlege then, just look at and be happy. a?

dan-de-me i almost forgot how much an Funny driving while drunk Always is, also your big f-150 will make sure make sure someone else payes the punchline too! yee-haw! please to post pics of carnage or yes mugshots always good too. please to leave kids car out of youare problems. or and just listen to familiar music if you need to lose confusion an frustration from not being in touch an or understnadin hiphop, and unfamiliar musik/tings or cultures not ur own. or me.

the enemy always lies within, and if you go straight long enough you'll end up where you are.

keep up the good work?

timewilltell in deed. god's pee is BACK!! to play live along with curating the 'all tomorrow's partie's nightmare before christmas' festivel in decembre 2010!!! oh joy. weird al will be there too...

no hyperspace, it just goes to eleven. says so right on the faceplate. eleven. big ol 11. obviously must be better...i mean, it goes to eleven. right? says so right on the faceplate.

IMO, you would get more return on spending $2-3K on a high quality integrated amp with a home theater pass through vs. going vinyl. I have a lot of respect for Integra and have listened to their equipment many times. It is excellent home theater kit but I am quite sure you would be taking a big step forward in 2 channel with the right equipment that was a good match for your speakers.
I disagree with the really high $$ that are being bandied about here. That's just crazy.

You can get into vinyl, entry level for about $500 - 700 bucks and see if you like it, and get a very good idea of how the sound compares to digital.