What's the deal with the Machina Dynamica Clock?

Just my uninformed and untested opinion, and maybe I am wrong, but this Clever Little Clock sounds more like a Clever Little CROCK to me. Any true believers are welcome to enlighten me, but don't expect me to whip out the credit card just yet. Don't mean to "tick" anyone off. Note: sarcastic skeptical scoffers are also very welcome to post to this thread. :)
Music is an emotional thing. We listen to it because it inspires, sooths, excites and allows us to wonder. The only way this little clock can do what it's maker says is that after spending $99 on a $5 walmart clock I would guess that the buyers emotions are inspired, soothed and left wondering.

But perhaps I am wrong and this is the single item that defy's all laws of physics and electricity.

Now a better question. Where can one buy sand for thier component rack that is harmonically tuned to thier systems individual resonances.
This clock is a crock. The clock is merely a cheap knockoff of nathanm's Sonic Rock. He's selling these at Audiocircle for only 50 bucks. They work because they do work! Whatever you believe to improve does! He doesn't make any wild claims nor does he try to babble with b.s. This is a very real technology based on faith.

We had our experiment with the NJAS yesterday--I'm compiling and will be writing up the results for our newsletter, including the methodology, when I get some time today or later this week and can put them here as well, if anyone would have an interest. Doubt if it'll be conclusive, as we didn't have enough time to do a thorough test and with as large a group as we had and the amount of times we repeated the same music, there's always something that is likely to change a person's perception of the sound, but it was done on a blind basis to the group so I'm interested myself in seeing what the results were.
"explanations can sometimes bog things down, so to speak, rather than help anyone"

Yup, reality sure can be a bummer.