Charles, good question. I'm inclined to say no, it's not a Frank Jr. I like the dynamo a lot, and have listened to it for hours on end for the last 3 days and have really enjoyed it. The more hours I put on it, the more some of the harshness at high frequency subsides, so it is clearly not close to being burned in yet. Yet, when I put the Franks in, Oh my! They are most certainly in a different league, and are worth every penny of 5 x the cost of the dynamo.
The incredibly rich harmonic pallet, seemingly endless power reserves (no, that is not a joke), and the beautiful air, breathtaking decays, etc that make the Franks what they are won't be there in the Dynamo.
Think Monet vs Ansel Adams. Both great artists and I love them both, but they are very different.
To me, the Franks don't sound like a tube amp. They certainly don't sound like a solid state amp. They don't sound like any other amp I have ever heard. I guess that is what Israel means when he says the sound like nothing.
The dynamo sounds like a good amp, with all the clues to let you know it is a tube amp. You get enough of that big beautiful, fat, tube bloom in all the right places to let you know its a tube amp. It has me wanting to see what kind of tube loveliness I can dial in with some tube rolling.
With the Franks and a great piece of music, I just sit there in awe. When I run for president, my platform will be "A Frankenstein in every house!" Wonder how that will play?