What's the greatest bargain in SET these days?

Hi, Gang,
I response to my recent review of the Reference 3A De Capo BE speaker, someone wrote that if you really want to hear them sing, you should try them with a SET amp, or words to that effect.
That got me thinking. The De Capo's are 92 db efficient, which (correct me if I'm wrong) seems kind of borderline for low-power SET amps.
In any event, right now I'm running mine with a pair of Manley Mahi mono-blocks. They are switchable from triode (20 watts) to "ultra linear" (40 watts). I run them in triode all the time, and in my room, the volume knob almost never goes past 9 o'clock; more would just be too loud.
All that said, what do you guys think of running the De Capo's with a SET amp? And if I did, what's the best bargain in SET's these days?
Thanks Charles and Mikirob, for your nice comments. I worked hard on that review!

Yes, I own that Cobb/Malone/Hargrove SACD. I love the way it captures Hargrove's soaring trumpet solos. Same goes for another Chesky release, "Cobb's Corners."

I have found that the Dynamo works wonderfully with a Marantz SA8003 SACD player, even with lesser speakers like Mordaunt Short Carnival 2s (they ain't Harbeth but they are excellent for the price). I use that player in my living room set up with the Dynamo now that I have added a Marantz SA-15s2 Limited Edition to my main mancave rig.

As for the Line Magnetic amp, my jaw dropped when I first heard jazz guitar on it. It is a great amp with numerous tube rolling options. I am using some Psvane 12ax7s (the best quality ones) and some NOS (they were when purchased) Philips Miniwatts. The amp sounds as good as it looks. It is very receptive to tube rolling.

One additional thing about the Dynamo: like others who have posted, I found that the addition of a better rectifier was really the only must-do. I chose a new production Genalex Gold Lion 5AR4. The Mullard is virtually the same tube from the same factory, I believe, and it works well too. I bought both.

cheers, tim
Thank you for this, Tim.
I also appreciated your analysis of the pros and cons of the Coincident vs. the Declare amps vis a vis aesthetics and flexibility.
I think I could live with having to plug and unplug my DAC and phono preamp to switch from LP's to digital if I go wit the Coincident amp. Most of my listening these days is digital, anyway.
I'm still dithering on this but my first step will be to see what I can get for my Manley gear. I unfortunately can't afford to lay out any cash without selling the Manley stuff first, so I won't have a chance to a/b the two. But I feel pretty confident at this point that either the Decware or the Coincident will be a step up from my Manley gear.
I'll keep you guys posted! :-)
Hi Rebbi,
It was definitely worth your time to create this thread given the feedback you've received.
"But I feel pretty confident at this point that either the Decware or the Coincident will be a step up from my Manley gear."

Rebbi I don't mean to rain on your parade but if you CAN'T because of finances, listen first you are gambling. I'm sure there are many aspects of the SET sound you will love but on the other hand there may be compromises that you have not completely considered to the extent that they may be present. I really love the things SETs excel at particularly the rich, organic natural timbre of instruments that eludes most amplifiers, you can just relax into the music in a way that is most compelling. It's your money and I wouldn't comment other than you are accepting what others say without the benefit of listening first to be sure. Then on the other hand, maybe you need a change. If at all possible I would look at an 845 based SET that has more power that won't compromise the great aspects of the Manley, dynamics and drive with the magic of SET. It seems to me the Magnetic Line would be a GREAT choice although a bit more than you are willing to spend. Remember, 8 watts would be better suited with a more efficient speaker. I'm not too sure the DeCapo's are efficient enough for long term satisfaction. Since Brownfan is the only one in the know in this matter and his listening choices for THAT set-up is primarily in a bedroom for primarily string quartets, I'm sure the Franks will be, without question, his ultimate choice, you may wait until he puts up the Dynamo for sale or save your dough for the Magenetic Line 518i, which looks like a real bargain for all it offers. 22 watts vs 8. A 1.3K amp is not going to provide EVERYTHING and then some over your Manleys. Maybe you can borrow one to listen first?
The set amp I have actually heard in recent years (at Capital Audiofest) that I mentioned early on here and liked a lot was the GLow Audio Amp 1. I also like the price and compact size. Build quality there would seem top notch as well, direct wiring, hand wrapped xformers, etc., according to their site.

They have a newer larger push/pull 15 watt model as well. On their site, they are advertising free dac and pair of either Def Audio, Triangle, or Klipsch speakers with purchase that amp. Or dfree dac but no speakers for the smaller Amp 1.