What's the most overrated or overpriced piece of equipment you own, have owned or come by?

This hobby of ours is extremely rewarding, but can also be very expensive. I don't mind paying the big bucks (if I can afford it) for better sound. But many companies out there take advantage of us poor bastards and sell us snake oil equipment at exorbitant prices. Well...This is your chance to share with other Audiogonners.

This is your chance to GET EVEN :-)

Ok, in 45 years, there have been a few dogs. Even so the one that I will never forget were the JohnZer speakers that I bought when I was in high school. They took every last penny of my very hard earned $380 and left town after the purchase. The upside is this>>> I was so pissed that I built my own speakers from plans bought from SpeakerLab. Those huge and heavy speakers sounded much better and the bass was unbelievable (they were Klipsch corner horn design). From then on, I was much more cautious about products in general. This has been a great hobby for me.

I told an untruth in this thread, my apologies.

I complained about the wrong manufacturer. Careless on my part. 

The brand I had reliability issues with was Arcam. (both lasers)  I was not the original owner of either. I called Arcam and a lady basically said I should not buy used gear. So I stopped buying used Arcam gear like the lady said. 

Fortunately this is the one thread where getting something wrong is allowed. We had it created special for this purpose. All other threads require absolute fidelity to the truth. You will be banished for life to ASR for even the slightest infraction. So I would stick to this thread a while, just to be safe.

Magnepan .7 speakers. I just never enjoyed how they sounded. Sold them to a friend who loved how they reproduced music. He still has them years later.