Thank You, Onhwy61.
That's what I wanted to express. When a person goes right to price before first establishing that the product is actually what he is looking for, I just write them off as bottom feeders. If, perchance, I am shooting myself in the foot, so be it. I'll wait for a more cordial and, seemingly, more sincere buyer.
I'm also amazed that a person who will quickly drop the price by 10%, is adamant that his buyer pay the 3% Paypal. fee. I'd rather have full price and deduct the Paypal figure as a courtesy. In truth, I guess that's the word......courteous.
Going right to price seems rude to me. And I certainly agree with those who refuse to bid against themselves.
In real estate, it all goes on paper. Buyer submits a signed offer. Seller accepts by signing, rejects it outright or provides a signed (or initialed) counter offer. I always thought the agents primary function was to provide insulation between the egos.