What's your favorite remake of a song

I know most remakes fall short of the original, but I suspect that it's usually due to the fact that the original was known and popular. The remake usually pales by comparison, but I've heard a few things lately that I really liked, and wondered what others have enjoyed...
DK'S now your talking. Lets not forget X'S version of breathless from that terrible richard gere movie!!!
also lets not forget agent orange and all there great remake's of all thr great surf classics. Miserlou, mr moto, pipeline. Great band!!
How about Me First And The Gimme Gimmes, I'm going to paint our bedroom tomorrow and this one of their cds will be spinning for sure. Nothin but souped up covers of classic oldies.
Great thread...

Some of my favorite remakes include:

The Bad Plus "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
Johnny Cash "Hurt"
Fine Young Cannibals "Suspicious Minds"
Axel Rudy Pell's rock rendition of In the Air Tonight is outstanding...and an excellent recording as well. Phil Collins would be pleased!