What's your profession? Age?

Just thought after the "how much is your system worth" post that it would be nice to see what all these people do to get $80K systems, and perhaps how long it takes. I'm a 29-year old economist for the gov., just completeed my Ph.D. last month, and my system is at about $10K. Just a pup hoping to keep upgrading...
Age 43, DSP Engineer. System retails for around $18k but was substantially less through connections. Also sounds better than it should thanks to some DIY magic and a huge amount of sweat equity in building a dedicated LEDE room.
Professional engineer (civil). Licensed professional land surveyor. I opened my own business 4 years ago and work primarily as a sub-consultant to the larger firms. One of my financial goals while busting but in college was to have a cost no object sound system. Yes self actualization is a good thing!!!
I am surprised there are no other professors. I am 64 and have been at this since 1954! I have little idea what I have in my system; probably about $50K excluding the stuff I have for sale.
Salesman since 1975, you got it I'll sell it. Railroad equipment, eggs, ignition coils for cars, motorcycles, aircraft (magnetos, ignitors), cryogenic liquids, industrial gases, confectionary processing equipment. Built my own speakers w/cabinets in 1967, bought my first used equipment in 1968 (Bell 3030 integrated amp for $25, still have and use, sounds great). Dropped out of hi end for awhile while I purchased other toys, back into it and I'm scaring myself, spend too much time looking for 6Dj8's and ways to explain to my wife why I have to move the couch 3.4" to the left and move the grandfather clock to the other wall. Age? Luigi50. System cost...you think I'm keeping track?
Age: 25
Profession: Phone Computer Tech Support for a technology services outsourcing company.
System retail: 5.5k soon to be 7.5k