What's your tube pre doing?

This is a very special weekend for me. I have had the chance to listen to what I think is one of the best bang for the buck preamps out there. Let me start from the begining. I sent my current LS7 to a dealer friend of mine to have some paper in oil caps installed(jensen). While this is being done a friend of mine let me borrow his AE3 for the weekend. This unit has the oil in paper caps,kimber upgrade,etc. I also have a AI S120 amp that prior to the AE3 sounded ok with the LS7. Holy soundstage batman! This triode thing is what my amp really needed. How can something so small sound so great? Sweet spot-doesn't exist. Music is EVERYWHERE. The owner to whom this great pre belongs could not sit still. He walked around my listening room like he was on fire. As I write this I'm listening to Miles live around the world and I can tell you this cd NEVER sounded like this with the LS7. I'm not knocking AR but you AE3 owners know what I'm talking about. I should have my pre back on Mon and I will see what my caps do. But to be honest the AE3 is on my short list. Dennis Had if you read this I want to thank you for a very well designed piece of gear. And all for less than a grand! Wow I said enough- thanks for letting me preach. What's your pre doing?
South, i can't remember who it was, but someone else posted a similar question about Cary vs ARC a while back. I and several others stated that we thought that they were on somewhat opposite ends of the spectrum tonally ( the Cary's are warm and full, ARC's tend to be leaner ) and that the Cary would have a much more expansive soundstage. Looks like you at least agree with the "big soundstage" part of those comments : ) Sean
Rwd the AE 3 is a Audio Electronic Supply tubed pre. It can be found at: www.audioelectronicsupply.com . I am in no way afilliated with them, just wanted to inform you.
Sean I don't know if I would call the AE3 warm. Full yes but I think in my rig the AR tends to be warm. Like I said I'm not kicking the LS7. It opened my ears to better sound that gave me a starting point. A audio dealer told me a long time ago: Stop listening to the gear and start listening to the music. With the AE3 in the mix that's exactly what I was doing finally. Good listening!
I'm trying to establish a reference point (other than the LS7 which I've not heard). South43 (or anyone), have you heard the Bel Canto SEP1? Jeff Fritz at Soundstage did a glowing review about 3 years ago. This is also a Class A single-ended triode preamplifier with a big soundstage.


The SEP1 is listed at $3,750 but a new unit is available for $1,295 on A'gon. I've had some great results recently running 2 Bel Canto EVo200.2 amps in bridged mono, so I'm in the market for a pre that will complete the package.
Sorry, speaker-wise, I've got a pair of Talon Khorus on their way (the originals, not the new X version). Also a pair Talon Peregrines, Newform Research 645R's and Martin Logan Aerius. At the moment I'm running the Newforms with the EVo's using 2 channels from my B&K AVR 307 receiver as the pre. I'd like to use the EVo's (and whatever pre I end up with) in a 2-channel audio only system - experimenting with the above speakers until I settle on a favorite.