What should my heirs do to dispose of my vinyl and CDs?

I am typing up a document with all details of my system components and cables with approximate values.  No one else in the family knows anything about high end audio.  I suggested they sell the gear at US Audiomart.  What should I suggest they do with the vinyl and digital discs in my reasonably large collection?  I want them to get to others who can enjoy them when I no longer can. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



This is not the first thread I have read lately on what the family should do with a great stereo rig and music collection when the owner is gone.  Two thoughts come to mind.

1.  Find someone in your family you can get interested in your system.  For most, it is a lack of understanding.  As music is a lifelong journey, is their no one that can be started on the path?

2. Sell it off yourself and get a modest system for your final years.  Then give the money to your heirs while you can still watch them enjoy it.  That could bring more joy then the system?


@bigtwin Your solution would be my favorite way to go I just don't know if any family member would want my system and software.  My solitary passion.

@rhg3 Two great sources for selling off vinyl and CDs!  Thank you

OP, you might consider cataloging your collection in Discogs.com It's very satisfying and you can export the data in a spreadsheet.