What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??

I am curious what speaker cables made a big "jaw dropping difference" in the sound quality of your current speakers.  What most impressed you about the difference;  that is, overall musicality, tighter, deeper bass, midrange clarity and soundstage depth, etc.etc. 

Keep the price of the speaker cables chosen or auditioned at  between $800- $1000 or  from  $1000-$1500. Was the cable bought new or used??

  Thank you,   SJ

I have Clear Day double-shotgun with jumpers, as said they are very good and Paul is a great guy.
BUT, at least on Acoustic Music, Audio Art SC- S5e are better on my Totem
Sig1’s , Gallo 3.5. Rega RS-1 and Meadowlark Kestrel 2’s that I have compared them both on . Considerably better.
If I listened to rock the Clear Days might of been, I don’t know. Another factor is I use AA interconnects IC-3se
so there is synergy. Sounder better than 6 K worth of MIT if that’s any help .
Both were better than Morrow Sp-6 which is not bad .
At the $1,000 ceiling, I cast another anecdotal vote for Clear Day Cable, Double Shotgun.  I used them between an EAR 890 (w/ Ei KT90's) driving some Vandersteen Quatro's, using two full runs for separated biwiring ($900 total in that config).  They replaced some Cardas Golden Reference cables at the time, and I also demoed a pair of Morrow Audio SP7's.  I never did cotton to the SP7's in my system - - they seemed really "mechanical" sounding to me.  The Clear Days also bested some DIY VH Audio CHeLa cables that I labored to build.

The Clear Days really surprised me with how much better sounding they were, much equivalent to a component upgrade.  Very coherent gestalt, imaged very well, detailed without crossing the line (in fact, seemed a tad warm - - surprising for silver?).  My overall impression was of a clearer window into the music, harmonically, "visually", and dynamically.  Their microdynamics "breath" better than the other cables I had tried.

I had to spend a crazy amount more to beat them.  At this price strata, I would absolutely give them an audition try before deciding, as you've got nothing to lose.  Paul is a real peach to deal with, too.
I agree with akg_ca 's  comments regarding the Nordost line.

Yes, Odin is ridiculously priced, but it's for those systems we wish we could afford.

Conversely, my midfi,Heimdall2/fFreyII plumbed system sounds fantastic. If you're patient and check listings, Nordost can be had for half of retail cost used.

@jbrrp1 - several of the second paragraph points from your excellent commentary exactly mirror my own experience with the Clear Days...
- equivalent to a component upgrade
- detailed without crossing the line
- a tad warm -- surprising for silver
- a clearer window into the music..."visually"
Same as Grannyring, Duelund DCA16GA per 8-10 foot speaker pairs, beats all comers that I have tried/owned. Best, mikirob