What speaker do you passionately want to demo?

Beyond the slight curiosity of what speaker you'd "like" to demo (example: every Klipsch horn speaker), what speaker(s) would you "passionately" love to demo?  A brief explanation of "why" you like these speakers would be beneficial.

I'll start:

MBL 101 X-treme - almost a decade and reviewers still say it's amongst the best they'd ever heard.  Probably should be matched to the MBL Electronics

Living Voice Vox Olympian Horn - it's wood (maybe sounds more warm/organic), it's a horn, and it consistently gets good reviews at the Munich High End audio shows.

Muraudio SP1 - Electrostatic + cone hybrid speaker that received many rave reviews.  It's not an easy task successfully marrying the fast electrostatic to the slower cone to sound seamless.  This speaker was on my short list to purchase.

Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver - both Voxative and Pure Audio Project speaker offer the Voxativ AC-XP field coil driver as an optional upgrade, but it's an additional ~$7k (yow).  The reviews leads me to believe that this field core driver is sonically "significantly" superior above other choices.  

Mike Lavigne's Evolution Acoustics MM7 in his dedicated sound room.  The sonics of demoing speakers at storefronts or audio shows can be problematic depending on the audio chain and the room setup.  MikeL has a matured optimized setup that is sonically recognized as excellent by other serious audiophiles.  
Sound Labs
Stennheim -yeah its wrong but so are the swiss
Dutch & Dutch
Borreson 05
ATC 150

KennyG has a nice list too!

pretty much all the ones i have been truly passionate about demoing ... have already been in my home and have been demoed... btw - that is the ONLY way to really demo and know whether they hit the mark

for me at this point, probably the only one that is on the to do list are devore o-96’s, and maybe, graham ls5/5's ...
As a long time MBL groupie (and I owned the MBL 121s), the MBL 101 X-treme were on my list.  And I actually happened upon a private demowhen visiting the USA - a dealer had them set up in a big room.They were a total gas to listen to, though I don't think they were working optimally in the room.

I did such a big speaker search not long ago, able to listen to tons of speakers on my list, that I cleaned most of them off the list.  

But...for speakers I'm dying to audition in my home:

Devore O/96.

Loved them in the show room.  But tricky speaker to get right and I want to see how they'd sound in my room.

Even more so, I'm super intrigued about the new updated "Bronze" version of the O/96!

And I would also add how auditioning the Devore Super Nines are up there for my real-world auditioning too.

Taking off from there,  I'd also love to hear the current Spendor Classic speakers, e.g. 3/1 right through to the 200. 

I'm also very intrigued by Charney speakers.
Also: Janszen electrostatic speakers.  That sealed box design fascinates me.

Aaand, the Audio Physic Avantara and others in that range.

Plus...HORN speakers. I am so bereft of true sit-down-and-listen to horn speakers.  There's no real way they would work in my room, but I've loved the character I've glimpsed at some shows or stores.