Responses from rajugsw
Tube Pre/ Class D Amp - Who has done it? I used to run Orchard Audio Ultra DMC Stereo & Monoblocks with a BAT VK50-SE for many years. But recently, I've moved onto the Black Ice Aries/DAC/Preamp driving the Ultra's. Sometimes I'll direct drive the Ultras with my PS Audio DirectStream... | |
Bose 901 Review Well Done. Holy Shxxxt ! The comments page exploded as expected. Just go to my channel and find out what I think of Bose (not Boze White People). All Highs, Sweet Mids, & Deep Bass....It Must Be Bose ! | |
Linn LP12 turntable Back on 2022. I stupidly got back in the Vinyl Rabbit Hole. I got a good deal from Music Direct on a MoFi StudioDeck/MoFi StudioPhono/Ortofon Quintet Black. The standard MoFi was included but they installed the Ortofon for me shipped the MoFo Cart... | |
WHY DO SOME AUDIOPHILES TRY TO TELL OTHERS WHAT THEY CAN OR CAN’T HEAR IN A SYSTEM? CAUSE WE ARE SMARTER. CAN HEAR THE FART OF A KNAT. AND KNOW BETTER THAN THEM. THIS OUR HEARING IS LITERALLY OUT OF THIS WORD !!!! . But seriously folks. We all here know its more training and teaching others what to and not to listen for. Hell, I... | |
Stereo Times 2024 MOST WANTED COMPONENTS List Absolutely hilarious. The LTA DAC while probably sounds amazing on PCM files can’t do DSD and has no I2S input. So no spinning SACD’s via the Chinese Video HDMI to I2S adapter. A cheap ass SMSL or Topping DAC has this. And the DAC is obsoleted by ... | |
The last 20 years of Home Power Have Been Amazing Two years ago, we spent $10k with a licensed electrical contractor to get our aging yet still safe and working electrical panel replaced. This included getting the Power Company to change out the feed from the pole mounted Transformer. I had alr... | |
Some thoughts on dust covers LP12 owner here : Dust Cover always on even when DSD64 ripping Vinyl. Why ? Dust and Dog hairs coming from my Garage and my two Dogs. Plus I hear ZERO difference with the cover up or down ! For 40 years (ok...I took a 6 year hiatus) LP spinner (m... | |
CLASS D Of course @kennyc . I’ve put Orchard Audio Ultra’s on the Woofers of my Cornwall IV’s and a Black Ice F100 with 6550 Tubes and even the big KT170’s. Excellent results. You get the fast articulate Bass of Class D while getting that "warm & gooe... | |
CLASS D If it's a Box Woofer Klipsch. You NEED JUICE to move that Woofer. A flea bag Tube Amp is only good on the Horns. I ran Orchard Audio Ultra's on my Cornwall IV's with a Tube Preamp (BAT VK50-SE, Black Ice Audio F360, and my favourite Black Ice Audi... | |
PSAudio Directstream DAC M-1 (refurb) vs Denafrips Venus II. Quick decision needed! I did a review of the Terminator vs PS Audio Mk1 4 years ago. I still stand by my thoughts 4 years later and still own the PSA MK1 DAC. https://youtu.be/FHO07PFHj60?si=Tnpv07wlaNycf9ht | |
Capital Audiofest Coming Up! I'm going. All 3 days. Gonna do my best not to talk about ""it". | |
No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy? @curiousjim Thank you Brother ! 👍🏾🤟🏾✌🏾🎵🎵🎵 | |
No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy? Look at my Subscriber count in over 5 years of YT "fame". I get "some" free stuff but I ALWAYS declare that I am an unpaid Schill for certain brands. And when I'm given "an offer I cannot refuse". I disclose it in my Videos but never the price I p... | |
DC Offset Issue in Don Sachs Preamp Don is awesome people and one day I aspire to have enough saved up to buy his great products (And Lynn Olsen too for that matter). Here’s proof that Don is "Alive & Kicking". Another awesome fellow Canuck (for a West Coaster anyways) https:... | |
Seeking Hi-Fi DJ for Daughter's Wedding. Reach out to Channa on his Home Theater Techno Dad's YouTube Channel. He DJ's in California. Forget what part of the State he's based out of. https://www.youtube.com/@TechnoDad https://4khometheaterreview.com/ |