What speakers are you guys driving your BAT's with

I'm curious what people here are driving their Bat's with The VK60 or the Vk75.

Can these amps drive difficult speakers ?

Other than BAT pre-amps, what pre-amps are used in your system ?

Enlighten me.

Thank you.


I never had a SINGLE VK 60 driving the Avalons. Only the 60 monos and at 120 watts per side, they were glorious.

BTW, if anyone decides to look for a pair, try to get a later serial #, i.e. last numbers in the 400+. The number refers to the boards. You can always call BAT and speak to Viktor. He can answer questions with regards to repairs which may have been done by BAT.
I once purchased, and returned, a 60 which was severely damaged with rust on the boards. Viktor said he's seen this on amps which were used near a coast. The one I refer to was from Hawaii.
Audio blow hard, are you saying you are using BAT VK-75 to drive MBL speakers? MBL are very difficult load, takes monster solid state from what I have heard and read. I am thinking of picking up a pair of MBL 116, but thought I would need a solid state to pair with it.

Back to the original thread. I am using my VK-75SE with Sonus Faber Amati Homage, this is the best amp I have tried with Amati from midrange and up. I have also tried the amp with many other speakers including Sonus Faber Cremona (excellent combo), Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage (also excellent match), Dynaudio Contour 3.3 (no bass), Dynaudio Confidence 5 (even less bass), and some other speakers I can't recall anymore.