What three shelf stand should I purchase?

Can't get crazy. WAF very low after making a painful..lol..(for her, that is) speaker purchase. 845 tubes/100lb amp. I need a stable stand. please advise. thanks in advance.
Wood stand is a must, no glass or metal. Wife needs to choose the wood color, this gets her involved. Must also be open on all sides, no doors, air flow is also a must to keep the tubes cool. Consider using a laptop fan system, they are very inexpensive and can be run with a simple usb power plug.
Recently purchased Quadraspire and was taken back by how much better it is than my Target stand. Would have never believed how much more stable the soundstage became and how much more controlled the bass is. It was truly an epiphany.
Have a price range?

I can say, as guy that did go crazy on stands, they make a huge difference especially with tubes and digital and vinyl...